Differences are unavoidable, even necessary.
Disregard and disrespect, not so much.
Differences are unavoidable, even necessary.
Disregard and disrespect, not so much.
Help America Get Along gives voice and visibility to all of us who put America as a whole ahead of any particular party or ideology. None of us will stop fighting for what we believe in, but we will do so with due respect and consideration.
Non-partisan, Non-violent, Non-profit
It's just people talking with one another.
Our country may be more divided than at any time since the 1860's. Partisan tempers and rhetoric run hot. Our modern media fan the flames, deliberately or otherwise.
Many people are unable to respect the views of the "other side", regarding them as either hopelessly misguided, or sinister. Worse, they are often blind to their own excesses.
Unable to come together as one nation, too many people work simply to defeat the opposition. Whatever happens in the 2020 election, tens of millions of Americans will be severely disappointed. Millions will be devastated.
If nothing changes, bitterness and division will only grow.
The vast majority of Americans do put country first, whether they align with a specific organized party, or are part of the single largest party affiliation: Independent. (gallup)
Remember that our media tend to amplify the already loud voices. Quieter voices are harder to hear. We need to be seen, and to speak up, calmly, but firmly.
It can be hard work to reach across a divide, and we may get our hands slapped, or bitten, but more often than not we can build a positive connection.
We have defined some basic Principles, starting with what it means to Help America Get Along, and are collecting various Resources to help us do so. We encourage you to refer people to this site, in the hope that they, too, may be inspired to find ways to heal our divisions.